08 Jul Galicia and Norte de Portugal present the results of their cooperation in the framework of POCTEP
On 17 June 2019, an event of the Interreg VA Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020 was held in Vigo, organised by the Xunta de Galicia in collaboration with the CCDR Norte, with the aim of showing the main results achieved to date and highlighting the fruits of cooperation in Galicia-North Portugal.
The event was attended by regional institutions, project beneficiaries, business confederations and universities, etc. and was closed by the President of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, as well as by the President of the CCDR Norte, Fernando Freire de Sousa, who claimed the benefits of cooperation in border areas, as well as the relevance of this Programme and the impact of European funds in the Euroregion.
Source: Poctep