Raia Termal celebrates its 18th meeting of the Management and Coordination Unit


The partners in the Raia Termal project held on Wednesday, 29th April, their 18th meeting of the Management and Coordination Unit by videoconference.


This meeting has served to make a general balance of each one of the actions of the project and to evaluate how the decree of the states of alarm and emergency, formulated by the Spanish and Portuguese governments, respectively, is affecting it.

Among other aspects the state was treated, so much of the material investments as of the immaterial ones; making special mention in this last point to the possibilities of promotion and commercialization of the destination and the homogenization of the mark “Raia Termal”, in everything related to the distinctive for the adhered companies, personal identifiers and equipments (screens, stands,…)

The financial execution of the project was also reviewed and the possibility given by the SC of an extension of the project’s deadline was positively assessed.